Never too early to start
Whether your kid is in pre-K, elementary or middle school, it is never too early.
Start saving today to help fulfill his or her future college dreams. Read more.
Chat with a counselor to help guide your kid before transition to high school.
Find a coach. Start a conversation
Search and connect with any mentor of your choice in our network.
Get coaching on how to apply to college.
Get sponsored to help you to pay for college tuition, room and board.

Pay for College
Time is on your side.
Find out about the best ways to start saving for college.
Save for your child or a family member.
DefyEdu sponsors may donate to your college account.
Cost of attending college
The 2036 projected cost of a 4-year, full-time, in-state, undergraduate program, in a public university is about $ 130,000.
After grants and scholarships, you may need to save up to $ 85,000.
The power of compounding growth
Set aside $ 420 per month.
In 13 years, at an estimated 4% rate of return, you will have almost $ 85,000.
Invest now in a tax-advantaged plan
Investments grow on a tax-deferred basis.
Distributions are tax-free if used for qualified higher education expenses² (for example, tuition and fees, room and board³).

Start saving now to pay for your child’s college
Open a 529 College Plan.
Benefit from tax-deferred growth and tax-free withdrawals for qualified higher education expenses² (for example, tuition and fees, room and board³).
Receive our Newsletter to find out the best College Plans available to purchase directly from the plan manager.
Ways to fund your child’s 529 College Plan:
Set-up automatic contributions.
Share your account details with family, friends.
Update your profile at DefyEdu – tell us you have opened a 529 Plan.
Get noticed by DefyEdu Sponsors so they contribute to your child’s 529 College Plan.
¹ Consult a tax professional for information and advice regarding how to treat amounts received from a crowdfunding campaign
² To learn about IRS Tax rules about Qualified Tuition Programs (QTPs), visit https://www.irs.gov/taxtopics/tc313 or consult a tax professional
³ The beneficiary must be attending an eligible college and be enrolled at least half-time for room and board expenses to qualify. Consult a tax professional